Sunday, October 18, 2009

Shop For Iron Cross Crosses Silver Tone Pewter Finger Ring Spike

Bought along with DETAILED PATTERN Design Silver Tone Pewter FINGER Ring SPIKE. I received this finger ring today, and although it's pretty with a solid feel, it has two small problems (that were not problems with the other finger armor I bought).

First, some of the black coloring used to fill in the crosses has been smeared onto the middle section. In my case, however, this isn't any huge problem, because the way the base piece overlaps, it's pretty hidden, and it's a line at the bottom of the base, so even if my finger is curled, you are more likely to see it as part of the design.

Second, one of the hinges has already broken. Again, in my case, this isn't a big problem. It is one hinge on one side on one section, and since the other side is tight enough, it has not hurt my ability to wear it at all. This breaking is partly my fault, since it's pewter and I bent it too quickly, but if only the hinges were made of a stronger metal, while the rest of the ring still pewter, I can't help but think it's durability would be greatly improved. In fact, I'm thinking of looking through the crafts store to see if there aren't some types of jewelry fastenings that I can replace the weaker pewter pieces with.

Overall, this piece is still gorgeous, and for the price, it's a good deal. Despite the minor flaws, I'll still wear it out, and I know I'll have more than a few friends who will love it.Get more detail about Iron Cross Crosses Silver Tone Pewter Finger Ring Spike.

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